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Self Inspired Innovator

Someone once told me that my Polyclone rubber stamp machine invention was either copied or it wouldn't work," Robest Yong said calmly in an exclusive interview. "They said if it could be done, the Americans or the Japanese would have done it by then," he continued.

Well, Robest then went on to win a gold medal at the Geneva International In­vention Fair in 1994 for that very inven­tion, proving his critics and many more skeptics oh, so wrong!

The early years

Robest Yong was born in Georgetown, Penang and received his early educa­tion at the Methodist School in Nibong Tebal. Robest formally started invent­ing in the early 1990s, but his passion for invention could be traced back to his humble beginnings where he used to make animal cages and fish tanks with is own two hands. At just 10, he was making his own wooden toy guns. His favorite subject in school was not sur­prisingly Industrial Art.

Unlike inventors today, Robest hardly had any role mod­els to emulate, much less local inventors which were relatively unheard of at the time. " I think my success as an inventor was inspired by my own interest in inno­vations and creativity".

Robest lives by the saying " Be realistic or you will die a pauper".
As a dynamic, self-challenging young man, Robest grew to understand that an invention is only worth the commer­cial potential it holds. Perhaps that is one of the main reasons he is one of the best local inventors today!
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Title: MALAYSIAN INNOVATORS - Journey of Creativity to Reality
Publisher: Malaysia Productivity Corporations
Date: November 2010


Launched by the Minister of International Trade & Industry (MITI), Dato Sri Mustapa Mohamed
Date: 30th November 2010
Venue: Matrade, Kuala Lumpur
The official launching of the Polyclone Instant Rubber stamp machine by the Prime Minister of Malaysia, Dato' Seri Dr Mahathir Mohammad on 13th August 1994
Being congratulated by the Prime Minister for the invention.
The invention that revolutionised the whole international rubber stamp industry.
go GREEN........
Let your mouse do the walking...